Saturday, May 17, 2014

Purpose of Church

Last week was a good week.  Actually, in our context (Westernized World view, that is), every week is a good week.  When we compare our lives to more than 90% of the people in this world, who can it not be a good week for?  Yet, our prayers and our belief systems put us in a place that we believe that things are not going well for us.  The Church is no different.

The Church likes to complain that things are not going well.  Beautiful heated and dry buildings, comfortable pews, paid staff to do all the work, gatherings and tradition that are pleasing to the members, and the list goes on.  So, what is there to complain about?  Well, who is going to take over this legacy of real estate?  Who is going to take this real estate and make sure that the church building survives in the future?  Because that is what we worry about. Who is going to continue "the tradition"?  But what tradition?

When I was studying in Montreal, I remember one professor tell me that the church is to "take care of the members and bury them when needed."  I was told that one of the main purposes for the church is to be Palliative in nature; take care of the dying; be there to hold hands of people until their time comes.  And I must agree, that is one purpose for the church (an important one) but not the only focus; there has to be more to it than just that.

To remain as a Palliative Care Ministry means that as the church "dies off", at one point, there will not be enough people to support the few remaining.  So the last ones to try and maintain this kind of ministry will no doubt be people who will not be able to receive this ministry themselves.  So there has to be more than just this kind of ministry moving forward.  But what is it... or... what are they?

Well for one, how about doing the things that Jesus told us.  How about the "Great Commission" and the "Great Commandment" that Jesus gave the church before any other ministry is to be started?  Some may be wondering what these two "Great Things" are?

The Great Commission - to go out and tell people that Easter was about an event in history that changed everything and show people just how much God loves us. The death and resurrection of a man people called (at that time) Jesus of Nazareth.  Jesus, the Son of God wasn't really understood by people back then; it only happened after the resurrection and specifically... when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Jesus followers some weeks later.  It was only at this time that their total disbelief turned into understanding.  The Great Commission is about talking to people about what God is doing here on earth - 2000 years ago, today, and in the future.Part of the great Commission is "to do" the Great Commandment.

The Great Commandment - to love one another unto death; to love one another to death?  This may seem totally weird.  Part of the Easter Story is that God loved us so much that He was willing to die to prove it - and He did.  "To love one another as Jesus loved people."  Jesus was so in tune with people outside of the religious circles at the time (the outsiders) that the people inside these religious circles (the insiders) hated him for it (they killed him because of it).  Jesus thought that "Outsider's" were more important than "Insider's"; go figure that one out. Believe it or not, Jesus said these things;  "Sick people need doctors, not healthy people";  "You look for lost items... not at the ones you already have."

The G's C's go together... Go out and let people know that God is still doing something today to let people know that He cares about them and loves them for who they are - warts and all.  He wants the local church to be a place that goes out and become a catalyst for God changing people's hearts.  We can't do this from inside a building; it happens outside of the building... that is what the legacy of the church building is supposed to be about... serving and not being served.  It's a mind shift for people, but a necessary one.  It takes work.

If you are the kind of person who wants to make a difference in people's lives, talk to me, I would love to hear from you;  I would love to hear where your passion is; I would love to hear what is on your heart.

God's blessing to you this day and all your tomorrows.


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